FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Learn Ionnsaich

This is our collection of structured courses you can use to learn Gaelic online. We have courses suitable for absolute beginners and beyond, all completely free. ’S e seo an cruinneachadh againn de chùrsaichean gus Gàidhlig ionnsachadh air-loidhne. Tha cùrsaichean againn do luchd-tòiseachaidh is air adhart, uile saor an-asgaidh.

Level: A1-B2 (what does this mean?) Ìre: A1-B2 (dè tha seo a’ ciallachadh?)

Resources in this category Goireasan san roinn seo

How do the levels work? Fiosrachadh mu na h-ìrean

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